Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Parlin OH pARLIN

Nah ada cerita lucu nih, tepat'a malam ini. cerita'a gini teman saya ni yg nama'a rosi lg dicomblangin ma teman saya juga yg nama'a vera. si rosi nie lg dicomblangin ma teman'a vera yg nama'a parlin, udh agk tua sih umur'a 25 taon, beda 6 taon ma qt2 yg bru pd 19 taon gitu.

Nah pada malam tadi vera nih ngajakin ym conference , nah jadihlah saya, rosi, vera n parlin yman bareng. usut punya usut sebenarnya si rosi maless banget dicomblangin ma si parlin, soal'a tampang si parlin'a agk sdkt kuno trus doi tu punya gaya rambut yg rada2 aneh gitu kyk kutu busuk eh salah mksd'a kyk org2 yg berciri kutu buku. nah loh. lol.

Nah setelah chat2an, qm nympe ke topik nama panggilan nih, kt'a sih parlin entuh kagak bisa klu manggil teman2'a dgn nm panggilan biasa tp hrs ada panggilan yg luar biasa. hooohooo, wong aneh...nah krn rosi n vera udh agk sdkt kenal lama ma tu orang jd'a mereka so pasti udh punya nm panggilan yg luar bisa, nah bt vera nm panggilan'a sensei, trus si rosi dipanggil nine, kt parlin'a sih rosi diksh nm gituan krn rosi suka angka 9, allalalahhh, freak gitu loh. nah krn saya blum punya nm panggilan jd'a td ntuh si parlin berusaha keras mencarikan nm panggilan bt saya, usulan yg pertama dia ngasih nama saya ekso saurus, emg dia pikir saya msuk dlm kategoti hewan purba sejenis dinosaurus apa. eleleleehhh edan deh. pokok'a nie bt mempersingkat, akhir'a dia nemu nm yg imut bt saya n nama'a itu adlh pororo.

Cerita blum selesai ampe situ nih, karena yg menjadi kunci nih cerita adlh saya sama sekali g nyangka di zaman sekarang ini msh ada aja org yg sejujur parlin marparlin. tau g dia ngomong apa setelah mengucapkan nm pororo,
kata'a "nm pororo kan imut pas banget sama kyk karakter nrl yg make kacamata, gemuk n kulit'a hitam manis yang mirip banget sama orang Aceh".
Oh aigooo, jujur banget tu org, ampe saya hbs baca tu statement ampe nyesek. kyk'a aku g segemuk yg dia fikirkan, klu diblg ni bdn gemuk otomatis kagak trima, nih badan mah sehat atuh bkn gemuk trus diblg kulit'a hitam manis,,,aduh bolehlah tp bilang kek kulit'a coklat manis, biar terkesan lbh sopan. ollalaala...trus kt'a mirip sm org Aceh, woiii saya ini emg org aceh. gubrakkk..

Nah cerita'a tragis lucu ya, apalagi setelah klian smua ngeliat poto org yg ngeluarin statement itu, kyk gini nih....lol (guling2)

Monday, February 7, 2011


Wah g kerasa udh masuk sem 4 n mau 2 taon aja nih saya kuliah di UUM yang saya kurang cintai. lol......nah krn saya ngambil jurusan media technology, so sem 4 ini saya udh hrs ngambil majoring,,,nah saya pun udh mutusin buat ngambil majoring advertising. wah dr nama'a kyk'a keren ya,,heheheehe.

Tapi bukan itu yg mau saya ceritain nie, tp menyangkut jurusan yg saya ambil, apalagi klu bukan Media Technology...jreng,,jreng..jreng. wah pasti dengar nama nie jurusan klian pasti rada ngeblur n bingung. jurusan apaan tu? kyk kagak pernah dengar, tp etssss tu jurusan ada loh di Malaysia maybe cuma wong Indo aja yg krng tau seputaran ni jurusan.
klo di Indo mungkin ni jurusan agk kembaran kyk jurusan mass comunication, nah tp klu di Malaysia ni jurusan dipisah ada komunikasi n media technology.

Dlu ni waktu bru2, msh sem 1 saya mah malu pisan klu ditanyain ngmbl jurusan apa? trus saya ngejawab media technology. eeee...eeeeee, smp nelen ludah. hbs'a saya ngerasa selain jurusan ini kurang famous, ni jurusan kyk kagak punya prospek kedapan gitu, apalagi saya dlu'a kan anak ipa. yaelaaaa,, (sombong dikit) klu ank ipa mah tau'a klu g hitungan kyk mtk, fisika, kimia plg bljr teori kyk biologi yg rada2 susah..eehh..eehh wktu dpt ni jurusan belajar ttg teori komunikasi lah, seputaran media n teknologi, hukum komunikasi, public relation,,,duh pokok'a smua yg kudu di hafalin...ooo..lala, nah hitungan'a cm statistik n jg hrs ngambil bahasa ampe level 3, sebener'a yg ngmbl bahasa ini seru sih tp saya ngmbl bahasa yg lecture'a plg seremin yaitu bhs jepang. udh hrs bljr 2 huruf'a yaitu hiragana n katakana yg agk susah bt dimasukin k otak, trus kudu diingat terus smp kiamat eh enggak maksud'a amp level 3, tp alhmdlh level 1 n level 2 udh brhsil dilewati dgn nilai yg boleh dibilang memuaskan,,,sdkt. hehehe nah sekarang lg berjuang di level 3 ni,,,eh..eh, knp jd ngebahas bhs jepang,,tuing..tuing. nah balik lg k yg tadi, pokok'a dimasa2 bru bljr di sem 1 saya merasa bosan abis ma ni jurusan trus g ada bangga2'a, ditambah bnyk student2 lg noh pd ngejudge klu ni jurusan adlh jurusan plg mudah di uum,,,aigoo dah bt tu org2...

Emg sih selama 3 sem ini, ip saya boleh dibilang stabil, tp sempat sih sem 2'a turun. hEhehee,,,nonton korea truss sih, tp dibanding ip'a student2 jurusan lain ip'a ank med.tech (disingkat) agk lumayan, palingan plg kecil dpt 2,5 kagak kyk yg lain 1,.. lol. tp itu g bisa ngejudge klu jurusan med.tech plg mudah dong.

Ehh,ehh... tiba2 wktu sem 3 saya dpt pencerahan, nah akhir'a saya dpt terima klu saya emg dikasih jalan yg terbaik ma Allah emg hrs ngambil ni jurusan, hikmah'a saya dapat belajar sesuatu yg baru, saya bru nyadar di sem 3 yg lalu klu sbnr'a med tech seru loh, di sini qt belajar fotografi, ngebuat berita bt koran or media elektronik kyk tv n radio, buat iklan komersial, nyoba2 nulis skrip, ngebuat storyboard, ikut perlombaan ngebuat film dokumentari, belajar cara memasarkan iklan, belajar gmn cara siaran di radio, pokok'a di sini saya boleh nyoba sesuatu yg baru yg blum pernah saya pelajari sebelum'a deh.

Dan med.tech ini bukanlah jurusan yg mudah jg, selain med.tech salah satu jurusan yg jmlh jam kredit'a 124 dlm 3 taon, qm jg wajib buat thesis n praktikum. enggak kyk jurusan lain yg dlm 3 taon jmlh jam kredit'a ada yg 115 or 118 trus g ada bt thesis, trus praktikum'a blh milih mau ngmbl subjek or praktikum. nah trus kelebihan'a jg ni jurusan blh milih 4 majoring, ada advertising, broadcasting, jurnalism n communication interactive. nah kyk saya nih saya ngmbl advertising, n ternyata seru pisan, krn bisa bljr bt iklan bt tv, koran or majalah, trus bljr ngedesain iklan plus cara masarin'a.

Nah soal prospek ini jurusan mah, saya'a cm pasrah sama Allah. saya yakin kok klu qt kerja keras, berdoa g putus2 sm tawakal ma Allah, tu kerjaan pasti g kemana, asalkan ada usaha. mdh2an klu Allah mengkehendaki hbs dpt gelar Bachelor of Media Technolgy. Hons boleh deh dpt kerja di perusahaan Big Tree'a Malaysia, hehehe...mdh2an bkn khayalan. lol

Jd sekarang saya mah bangga sama ini jurusan n g boleh malu lagi,,,karena saya yakin qt semua punya talent di bidang yg berbeda dan jalan Allah g ada yg bisa pungkiri klu trnyata jalan-Nya yg diberikan bt qt emang yg paling terbaik bt qt'a. hehehheehe..Nururusan FIGHTING ^_^

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Akhirnya setelah 1 thn lama'a saya meninggalkan blog ini, saya kembali lagi. Horeee.... Mungkin dulunya saya menulis blog ini krn keterpaksaan dari dosen saya, tugas gitu loh, yg isi blog'a rata2 ttg teknologi gitu, tp mgkn sekarang ini akan saya isi dengan yg lbh bervariasi, ttg korea mgkn. hehhehe, I love that so much especially SNSD atau mgkn ttg pengalaman saya, info2 bermanfaat atau hanya curahan hati saya. hehehehe, tp yg penting I'M BACK. mgkn tulisan saya g sebagus novelis or cerpenis tp sy akan berusaha utk nulis sebisa saya and mulai berusaha utk cinta sama yg nama'a nulis. hehhehe. NURURU SAN FIGHTING....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 Short Word in SMS

You = U
To = 2
For = 4
Because = Coz
Love = Luv
And = N
Thank = Tq
Online = Ol
Miss = Mis
Today = 2day

Sunday, September 13, 2009



An RCA connector, sometimes called cinch plug or lotus plug, is a type of electrical connector that is commonly used in the audio/video market. The name "RCA" derives from the Radio Corporation of America, which introduced the design by the early 1940s to allow mono phonograph players to be connected to amplifiers.

For many other applications it began to replace the older jack plugs used in the audio world when component high fidelity started becoming popular in the 1950s.

The corresponding plug is called an RCA plug or phono plug, for "phonograph". The name "phono plug" is often confused with a "phone plug" which refers to a jack plug or TRS connector.


In the most normal usage, cables have a standard plug on each end, consisting of a central male connector, surrounded by a ring. The ring is often segmented for flexibility. Devices mount the jack, consisting of a central hole with a ring of metal around it. The ring is slightly smaller in diameter and longer than the ring on the plug, allowing the plug's ring to fit tightly over it. The jack has a small area between the outer and inner rings which is filled with an insulator, typically plastic (very early versions, or those made for use as RF connectors used ceramic).

As with many other connectors, the RCA has been adopted for other uses than originally intended, including as a power connector, an RF connector, and as a connector for loudspeaker cables. Its use as a connector for composite video signals is extremely common, but provides poor impedance matching. RCA connectors and cable are also commonly used to carry S/PDIF-formatted digital audio, with plugs colored orange to differentiate them from other typical connections.

Connections are made by pushing the cable's plug into the female jack on the device. The signal-carrying pin protrudes from the plug, and often comes into contact with the socket before the grounded rings meet, resulting in loud hum or buzz if the audio components are powered while making connections. Continuous noise can occur if the plug partially falls out of the jack, breaking ground connection but not the signal. Some variants of the plug, especially cheaper versions, also give very poor grip and contact between the ground sheaths due to their lack of flexibility.

They are often color-coded, yellow for composite video, red for the right channel, and white or black for the left channel of stereo audio. This trio (or pair) of jacks can be found on the back of almost all audio and video equipment. At least one set is usually found on the front panel of modern TV sets, to facilitate connection of camcorders (through 3.5mm Jack to 3 RCA, also called Mini RCA plug), digital cameras, and video gaming consoles. Although nearly all audio-visual connectors, including audio, composite and component video, and S/PDIF audio can use identical 75 Ω cables, sales of special-purpose cables for each use have proliferated. Varying cable quality means that a cheap line-level audio cable might not successfully transfer component video or digital audio signals due to impedance mismatch and poor shielding quality (causing signal-to-noise ratio to be too low). Cables should meet the S/PDIF specification as defined by the international standard IEC 60958-3 for assured performance.

The male plug has a center pin which is 3.70 mm in diameter, and is surrounded by an outer shell which is 8.25 mm in diameter

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

RazakSAT Satellite

Malaysia’s innovation pride, the RazakSAT satellite, is all set for a lift-off as scheduled on Tuesday from Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili, the ministry’s deputy secretary-general (Policy) Datuk Dr Sharifah Zarah Syed Ahmad and senior officials arrived in Guam today to witness the historical launch via live webcasting, a statement from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti) said today.

It said upon arrival, the minister and his delegates were briefed on the readiness of the launch by Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Datuk Dr Ahmad Sabirin Arshad.

The minister was also informed that the satellite and launch vehicle, the Falcon 1, which is operated by United States’s Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), have now been erected on the launch pad at Omelek Island, the launch site for Falcon 1.

The 180kg remote sensing satellite was designed, developed, built and tested locally and it will also be the first remote sensing satellite to orbit the Equator.

Named after Malaysia’s second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, it will orbit the Near Equator Orbit (NEqO) at a nominal altitude of 685km.

The orbital location will allow increased frequency in the image observation of the Earth’s surface and environment.

RazakSAT will carry a high resolution camera which can capture images from space for differnt applications such as precision farming, landscape mapping, disaster mitigation, urban and road network planning, which will not only benefit Malaysia but also other countries along the equatorial region.

The images could also be used to study various meteorological phenomena.

According to the statement, prior to this, the launch if the Low Equatorial Orbit (LEO) satellite was delayed due to vibration problems on the launch vehicle.

However it said all issues related to the problem had been rectified with upgrading carried out by SpaceX.

“I am satisfied with the preparations and necessary steps taken by ATSB and SpaceX to ensure a smooth launch. We hope all Malaysians will pray for the successful launch of RazakSAT,” Ongkili said.

During the visit to Guam, Ongkili and his delegation are also scheduled to visit a marine laboratory and marine heritage and oceanography centre at the University of Guam

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Advantages & Disadvantages Twisted pair, Coaxial cable & Optic fiber

Twisted Pair

Advantages : 1. Cheaper and far easier to splice
2. Less susceptible to electrical interference caused by nearby equipment or wires.
3. In turn are less likely to cause interference themselves.
4. Because it is electrically "cleaner", STP wire can carry data at a faster speed.

Disadvantages : 1. STP wire is that it is physically larger and more expensive than twisted pair
2. STP is more difficult to connect to a terminating block.

Coaxial Pair

Advantages : 1. Coaxial cable can support greater cable lengths between network devices than twisted pair cable.
2. Thick coaxial cable has an extra protective plastic cover that help keep moisture

Disadvantages : 1. Thick coaxial is that it does not bend easily and is difficult to install.

Fiber Optic

Advantages : 1. One single mode fiber can replace a metal of time larger and heavier.
2. Multi-mode optical cable has a larger diameter and can be used to carry signal
over short distance.

Disadvantages : 1. Fiber optic versus metal cable is that it is difficult to make connections to
fiber optic cable.
2. The optical fiber must be highly polished to allow light to pass with little loss.